Even More Real Stories From Real People!
"Amazing and
Incredible! It's Like
Being a Whole
New Person!"
"I am Mark McDonnell. I am 28 years old.
I had a lot of issues due to lack of confidence
for my whole life. It affected my work and
social life, especially when talking to women.
I had needed help for a very long time – I just never knew a way to get it.
Then I was referred to Andrew McCole by another health practitioner. Now I believe that this is the best way to achieve all your dreams and goals whatever they might be!
I cannot describe adequately in words how much Andrew has helped change my life with hypnosis.
I can now speak in front of large groups of people and many of them compliment me and invite me to speak for others!
I am truly grateful. I highly recommend Andrew McCole's Hypnosis to anyone!
Both my parents have noticed an amazing change within me, and have used Andrew's services for their own benefit too!"
Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Even More Real Stories
From Real People!
How I Dumped 48 Pounds, and
Gained a New Life.
My name is Kitt Johnson. I am a mother of five.
I lost 48 lbs. with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis.
Here's how I did it.
Ever since I was a kid I have had weight problems. I grew
up a "nervous eater", craving sweets and fattening food,
and bingeing. I couldn't stop snacking. It got worse after
having children.
I felt awful, worrying what other people thought. I avoided
going out. No confidence. I pointlessly tried to hide my
flab. It made me totally miserable and disgusted at myself.
So what did I do? I ate more! I was out of control.
I had tried every diet program. The weight came back worse than before. Diet pills made me sick. I always felt deprived. I could not live my life on a diet. I didn't know what to do. My doctor said I was too old to lose weight.
Suddenly, a light at the end of the tunnel. A friend of mine shared her secret with me. She'd lost almost 30 pounds, and she looked terrific. She said she felt like a million bucks. Her secret? She used hypnosis. Could it help me too? I had to know. So she gave me Andrew McCole's number. I remembered reading about him in the paper. I got excited. I called for a free hypnosis screening . . .
All my questions were answered clearly and honestly. Everything was explained in detail. The office was relaxing and comfortable. There was no obligation or pressure at all.
Right after my very first session, my eating habits transformed. My cravings and nervous eating vanished. I lost my sweet tooth. I felt satisfied with smaller portions of food. All I wanted were foods that were good for me and helped me to lose weight. For the first time I was in control of food! I don't have to fight with myself anymore. I am satisfied - not deprived.
The most amazing part is I NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M DIETING. I just live a healthier, more quality, more relaxed lifestyle - and the weight loss seems automatic! No guilt. No shame. I didn't have to follow a diet. No calorie counting. Or fat grams. And no exhausting exercise. I feel free!
This program has given me the power to control my eating, instead of it controlling me. And it was easier than I ever dreamed. It worked for me when everything else had failed. I know I'll never go back to those old, negative patterns. It feels great! I wish everyone could feel so good. I recommend this program every chance I get. And why not? I get compliments every day.
I honestly feel fantastic. I'm much more fun to
be around. I love to go out and socialize now. I
look good and feel good. I have gained a new
life. I am full of confidence and energy. I've
released the past and now I am free to enjoy
my life to the fullest!
This program is affordable. I shudder when I think
of the $1000's I have thrown down the drain with
other programs. I got what I paid for and much more. It was the smartest investment I ever made. And the best part is that I was given a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE. If I ever needed help again I would not be charged a penny. That kind of confidence is impressive. You won't find it at any diet center!
If you need to lose weight you must come see Andrew McCole!
Naturally, results do vary from person to person.
Names have may been edited to respect the privacy of clients.
Testimonials can be viewed at the office.
"I am Free of my
Sugar and Food
Cravings, and I
Quit Smoking."
"My name is Joe McCarthey. I work as a
Special Education Teacher.
I used to over-eat and over indulge in sugar and
chocolate when stressed out. I was bummed out that my clothes didn't fit. I felt fat and lazy. Now I am more balanced. It is very helpful. I am back in control.
Also, quitting smoking was so easy, even after ten years. I have been a non smoker for over a year!
My success with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis has been excellent!"
"Others Notice My Enthusiasm for
Healthy Eating and Going to the Gym."
"My name is S**** B*******.
I work as an Interior Designer
I had a weight problem for the last 10 years. I had failed
at weight loss too many times to count, including using
methods like Slimfast and Nutrisytem etc.
I recommend Andrew McCole's Hypnosis all the time.
I used to have a problem with fast-food, sugar and
chocolate, but thanks to the hypnosis I am absolutely
in control. It is satisfying and empowering.
My eating has changed considerably. My co-workers
have noticed my new behavior.
It's amazing how easy it has been. I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all. I'm not struggling with myself the way I used to with other methods.
I am energized, enthusiastic and excited about the program.
I have also learned to relax and let go of stresses. It's great! Plus, as a bi-product, my headaches have lessened."
Even More Real Stories From Real People!
"Amazing and
Incredible! It's Like
Being a Whole
New Person!"
"I am Mark McDonnell. I am 28 years old.
I had a lot of issues due to lack of confidence
for my whole life. It affected my work and
social life, especially when talking to women.
I had needed help for a very long time – I just never knew a way to get it.
Then I was referred to Andrew McCole by another health practitioner. Now I believe that this is the best way to achieve all your dreams and goals whatever they might be!
I cannot describe adequately in words how much Andrew has helped change my life with hypnosis.
I can now speak in front of large groups of people and many of them compliment me and invite me to speak for others!
I am truly grateful. I highly recommend Andrew McCole's Hypnosis to anyone!
Both my parents have noticed an amazing change within me, and have used Andrew's services for their own benefit too!"
"After Smoking for 25 Years, Hypnosis
Made a Difficult Journey Very Easy."
"I came to Andrew McCole because I needed
help with quitting smoking. I had been a
smoker for a total of 25 years.
We were able to conquer a very difficult
addiction with very little trouble, cravings or
stress. My wife has given me positive feedback.
I recommend this program. I give it an A+. I feel
in control. It is freeing – a very positive feeling.
Andrew McCole's Hypnosis has helped me to
quit smoking so I can focus on the health
benefits and increased stamina when doing
mountaineering and skiing."
Ross Shot
Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
"After Smoking for 25 Years,
Hypnosis Made a Difficult
Journey Very Easy."
"I came to Andrew McCole because I needed help with quitting smoking. I had been a smoker for a total of 25 years.
We were able to conquer a very difficult
addiction with very little trouble, cravings or stress. My wife has given me positive feedback.
I recommend this program. I give it an A+. I feel in control. It is freeing – a very positive feeling.
Andrew McCole's Hypnosis has helped me to quit smoking so I can focus on the health benefits and increased stamina when doing mountaineering and skiing."
Ross Shot
"Others Notice My Enthusiasm for Healthy Eating & Going to the Gym."
"My name is S**** B*******.
I work as an Interior Designer
I had a weight problem for the last 10 years. I had failed at weight loss too many times to count, including using methods like Slimfast and Nutrisytem etc.
I recommend Andrew McCole's Hypnosis all the time. I used to have a problem with fast-food, sugar and chocolate, but thanks to the hypnosis I am absolutely in control. It is satisfying and empowering.
My eating has changed considerably. My co-workers have noticed my new behavior.
It's amazing how easy it has been. I don't feel like I'm on a diet at all. I'm not struggling with myself the way I used to with other methods.
I am energized, enthusiastic and excited about the program.
I have also learned to relax and let go of stresses. It's great! Plus, as a bi-product, my headaches have lessened."
"I Quit Smoking 20 a Day After 17 Years!"
"I am Steph Jackson. I am 35, married, with a
baby daughter.
I had smoked about 20 a day for 17 years and I really
wanted to quit the habit I couldn't stand being a smoker
around my baby, even when I went outside. I had failed
with the patches and gum, and with a different hypnotist.
Andrew McCole's Hypnosis is far more structured than
the other hypnosis place, and is more geared towards
helping you succeed. They stick with you and offer
ongoing support, which was good to know.
I feel way more in control than when I tried on my own. It is very empowering. Many people don't believe in hypnosis, but I know the way it is done here works. My success has been very good and I have recommended them to others."
Naturally, results do vary from person to person.
Names have may been edited to respect the privacy of clients.
Testimonials can be viewed at the office.

Even More Real Stories
From Real People!
"Amazing & Incredible! Like
Being a Whole New Person!"
"I am Mark McDonnell. I am 28 years old.
I had a lot of issues due to lack of confidence
for my whole life. It affected my work and
social life, especially when talking to women.
I had needed help for a very long time – I just
never knew a way to get it.
Then I was referred to Andrew McCole by another health practitioner. Now I believe that this is the best way to achieve all your dreams and goals whatever they might be!
I cannot describe adequately in words how much Andrew has helped change my life with hypnosis.
I can now speak in front of large groups of people and many of them compliment me and invite me to speak for others!
I am truly grateful. I highly recommend Andrew McCole's Hypnosis to anyone!
Both my parents have noticed an amazing change within me, and have used Andrew's services for their own benefit too!"

"I am Free of my Sugar and Food
Cravings, and I Quit Smoking."
"My name is Joe McCarthey. I work as a Special Education Teacher.
I used to over-eat and over indulge in sugar and chocolate when stressed out. I was bummed out that my clothes didn't fit. I felt fat and lazy. Now I am more balanced. It is very helpful. I am back in control.
Also, quitting smoking was so easy, even after ten years. I have been a non smoker for over a year!
My success with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis has been excellent!"
"I Quit Smoking 20 a Day
After 17 Years!"
"I am Steph Jackson. I am 35, married,
with a baby daughter.
I had smoked about 20 a day for 17 years and I really wanted to quit the habit I couldn't stand being a smoker around my baby, even when I went outside. I had failed with the patches and gum, and with a different hypnotist.
Andrew McCole's Hypnosis is far more structured than the other hypnosis place, and is more geared towards helping you succeed. They stick with you and offer ongoing support, which was good to know.
I feel way more in control than when I tried on my own. It is very empowering. Many people don't believe in hypnosis, but I know the way it is done here works. My success has been very good and I have recommended them to others."