Lone Star Hypnosis
Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
For Relaxation
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy for Relaxation
Learn Instant Self-Hypnosis
If I offered you a product that enabled you to take control of your life,
make more money, have peace of mind, contentment, willpower,
increased energy and potential, as well as better health and a stronger
immune system you would agree that it would be priceless. Right?
Well, the good news is that you already have this product! It is your
subconscious mind and power. But it didn't come with a set of
Studies have concluded that our conscious power and intelligence
count for less than 10% of our mental potential. Imagine what you
could do with the other 90%! Why imagine? You are literally surging
with this power from the subconscious!
Once you have learned how to harness your subconscious power the
sky is the limit. All the happy and successful people in life are so
because they are using their latent subconscious abilities. So can you.
You owe it to yourself. The easiest way to accomplish this is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis is the surest, fastest and most powerful method for personal change available. Self hypnosis gives you full access to your inner, hidden potential and enables you to exploit it easily and naturally. Who in their right mind wouldn't want this? You do, right?
Be EXACTLY who you want to be NOW!
Self hypnosis can be used for most of the things that a trained hypnotist can help with. Self hypnosis can be used to improve your performance and abilities in just about anything, physically and mentally. It is great for changing unwanted behavior, habits and attitudes from the root. It is also a wonderful tool for healing. It is perfect for self discovery.
Self hypnosis also provides a necessary antidote to all the negative messages that we have subconsciously picked up and stored from the world around us. These effect us much more than we realize. The subconscious is ultimately in charge of our behavior - so you had better learn to control it!
The potential of hypnosis is limited only by your imagination. The sky is the limit! Sounds good, doesn't it? It is! The secret of success in ANYTHING is having control of your subconscious mind. This can give you an extra boost in any situation, and keep you in the performance 'zone'.
The easiest and fastest way to learn self hypnosis is to have a good hypnotist implant the hypnotic suggestion that you can automatically enter a state of hypnosis at a given signal. You can easily learn how to hypnotize yourself in an instant. It is truly amazing!
What makes our unique technique so special is that you can learn put yourself into hypnosis in an instant, and you can even use the advance technique of 'eyes-open' hypnosis and then study, work or take a class while in a hypnotic state. All your subconscious abilities are right there with you. It doesn't get any better than that!
The process is usually learned in a couple of sessions. We include it in many of our other programs. Once learned, you need to use the skill regularly in order to keep it strong, as with most other things.
I offer you probably the most informative, yet simplest, self hypnosis tuition available. You can be fully competent in using the art and science of self hypnosis, enabling you to hypnotize yourself INSTANTLY, ANYWHERE. You'll learn how your mind works and how to control it. Your amazing subconscious power, creativity and potential will be at your beck and call. This is fascinating stuff!
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
FINALLY! A simple, down-to-earth,
step-by-step approach to quitting
smoking quickly. A breakthrough,
proven system, designed for
genuine, lasting results.
Here's a good reason for you to smile. Many thousands and thousands of Americans have quit smoking with hypnosis! People like you. Fact.
Andrew McCole's Smoke Free System offers you a real opportunity to stop smoking instantly. Many hardcore smokers report this advanced system is easy, effortless and without anxiety, stress, withdrawal or weight gain. Be sure to see what our clients have to say.
We offer you an affordable, distinct advantage over the pain and suffering of "cold turkey" and other common 'low success' methods.
Imagine ENJOYING life as a healthy non-smoker. No problem with withdrawal, or weight gain. Why
imagine? Like Louise Feddema who proudly states: "I quit in only two sessions! It was easy and actually fun to be so successful at this", everyone can easily be hypnotized. With my unique, safe and painless approach almost anyone can easily quit smoking.
Click the menu buttons for more
details about this program.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, hen call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
See our testimonial books, posters and videos to learn what people just like you have to say. The success stories are real. We hear them everyday. You'll learn how Ron Nicolas easily stopped his 50 a day smoking habit! You'll see real people who got genuine lasting results. Merle Pozemsky, who quit smoking with us reported: "I've been to two other hypnotherapists and never felt any results. But after your sessions I finally feel like I have some control over my life. It's a very liberating feeling! Very successful! Works like magic!"
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com

Turn Negative Stress Into Positive Power
Who else wants increased health, vigor, vitality, strength,
patience, concentration and control? And as a side benefit
a stronger immune system. And also a clear mind. How about
having your body and mind are free to work together more
Seriously, what's the down side? Nothing at all. You would
be able to do more work or play, in less time, and without
getting tired! And to have all this all you have to do is the
one thing in life that involves no effort at all: Relax.
Ah, but it is easier said than done! Still, no matter how well
you think you cope with life, your quality of life will improve
with relaxation. And we are here to help you do that.
What exactly is stress? It is a natural reaction that helps
us to adapt to various situations in life. This reaction can
be either positive or negative. Positive, or motivational,
stress is under our control and helps us succeed in life.
But if not controlled then it starts to control us, against our will. This is negative stress, and is the root of countless problems in body and mind.
With the fast and pressured pace of society today it is hardly surprising that stress problems have reached epidemic proportions. Business and personal lives suffer. People neglect their families and responsibilities. Say goodbye to quality life.
We all have a system to help us cope with stress - the 'fight or flight' mechanism. This causes a release of adrenaline and other hormones that help us either combat the stress or run away from it. But this system was not designed to cope with the constant onslaught of non-threatening, imaginary, and emotional stresses placed upon it. The system becomes over used and over sensitive, and less effective when we really need to use it.
The effects of even mild stresses accumulate and it becomes harder for our systems to balance
themselves again. This results in stress headaches, insomnia, indigestion, fatigue and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms and illnesses. One of the first signs of stress is a weakened immune system. High blood pressure and heart problems are nearly always associated with stress. In fact, most of today's health problems are aggravated or caused by stress related. We can employ ingenious methods to suppress our stress, but the suppressed stress builds up and often erupts, with terrible results.
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on various pills and
potions to help them cope better. And then there's alcohol. But these
'easy' methods can destroy us! And they don't seem to be working
overall - the stress problem is getting worse. What we need is a NEW,
BETTER solution. Interestingly, most of us have never been taught how
to relax. That's why we teach people how every day.
EVERYONE CAN RELAX! It is simply a natural process that needs to be
re-learned. But repeated stress behavior creates a powerful
SUBCONSCIOUS habit. The subconscious is ultimately in charge. It
holds these negative stress patterns and no matter how bad they are it
believes they are necessary. It may seem crazy but the subconscious
is simply doing what you have taught it to do. The subconscious does
not reason or think logically at all.
You now realize that the ingredients of the problem exist in the subconscious mind. So, obviously the solution lies in dealing with the subconscious. Makes sense, right?
This involves far more than a 'pep-talk', or simple affirmations. Fighting a subconscious problem in the conscious mind is often a waste of time. It is clear that the subconscious must be dealt with. It needs re-educating. The subconscious is in charge of your behavior, so if you use a method that doesn't deal with it you could be setting yourself up for another failure.
The safest, fastest and surest (and in my opinion - the ONLY) way to change the subconscious conditioning is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis gives us access to the subconscious in a controlled, relaxed environment.
Relaxation is NOT lethargy or being a 'couch-potato'. It means opening the door to being your best. We all have tremendous mental and physical potential. We all have gifts and talents that are often hidden within us. Get rid of the negative stress and there is so much more energy to tap into this potential. Like Kate Clark, who says: "I feel great about the work we've done. Literally a life changing experience".
We usually also teach self-hypnosis in these situations. This can give you an extra boost in any situation, and keep you in the performance 'zone'.
Imagine being calm and relaxed all of the time - naturally. Imagine always being happy, positive and full of energy. Why imagine? Everyone can easily be hypnotized, and with our unique, safe approach anyone can easily relax.
Like Peter Grant: "You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. My blood pressure is back to normal - 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. My mind is clear, my concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness and relaxation. If there are any stresses I now know how to deal with them. Everyone else can get stressed out but not me any more. I am taking lots of breaks at work and I have no trouble closing the door and relaxing when I feel I need to. The hypnosis tapes helped a great deal and also help me sleep better at night." We hear these reports all the time.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about ending the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success! I will show you simple and effective ways to relax and stay in control, including specialized breathing and mind control techniques. Both yourself and others will notice a positive change and calmness within you. Turn stress into power! You deserve this, so don't procrastinate - call us today.
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
Turn Negative Stress Into Positive Power
Who else wants increased health, vigor, vitality, strength,
patience, concentration and control? And as a side benefit
a stronger immune system. And also a clear mind. How about
having your body and mind are free to work together more
Seriously, what's the down side? Nothing at all. You would
be able to do more work or play, in less time, and without
getting tired! And to have all this all you have to do is the
one thing in life that involves no effort at all: Relax.
Ah, but it is easier said than done! Still, no matter how well
you think you cope with life, your quality of life will improve
with relaxation. And we are here to help you do that.
What exactly is stress? It is a natural reaction that helps
us to adapt to various situations in life. This reaction can
be either positive or negative. Positive, or motivational,
stress is under our control and helps us succeed in life.
But if not controlled then it starts to control us, against our will. This is negative stress, and is the root of countless problems in body and mind.
With the fast and pressured pace of society today it is hardly surprising that stress problems have reached epidemic proportions. Business and personal lives suffer. People neglect their families and responsibilities. Say goodbye to quality life.
We all have a system to help us cope with stress - the 'fight or flight' mechanism. This causes a release of adrenaline and other hormones that help us either combat the stress or run away from it. But this system was not designed to cope with the constant onslaught of non-threatening, imaginary, and emotional stresses placed upon it. The system becomes over used and over sensitive, and less effective when we really need to use it.
The effects of even mild stresses accumulate and it becomes harder for our systems to balance
themselves again. This results in stress headaches, insomnia, indigestion, fatigue and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms and illnesses. One of the first signs of stress is a weakened immune system. High blood pressure and heart problems are nearly always associated with stress. In fact, most of today's health problems are aggravated or caused by stress related. We can employ ingenious methods to suppress our stress, but the suppressed stress builds up and often erupts, with terrible results.
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on various pills and
potions to help them cope better. And then there's alcohol. But these
'easy' methods can destroy us! And they don't seem to be working
overall - the stress problem is getting worse. What we need is a NEW,
BETTER solution. Interestingly, most of us have never been taught how
to relax. That's why we teach people how every day.
EVERYONE CAN RELAX! It is simply a natural process that needs to be
re-learned. But repeated stress behavior creates a powerful
SUBCONSCIOUS habit. The subconscious is ultimately in charge. It
holds these negative stress patterns and no matter how bad they are it
believes they are necessary. It may seem crazy but the subconscious
is simply doing what you have taught it to do. The subconscious does
not reason or think logically at all.
You now realize that the ingredients of the problem exist in the subconscious mind. So, obviously the solution lies in dealing with the subconscious. Makes sense, right?
This involves far more than a 'pep-talk', or simple affirmations. Fighting a subconscious problem in the conscious mind is often a waste of time. It is clear that the subconscious must be dealt with. It needs re-educating. The subconscious is in charge of your behavior, so if you use a method that doesn't deal with it you could be setting yourself up for another failure.
The safest, fastest and surest (and in my opinion - the ONLY) way to change the subconscious conditioning is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis gives us access to the subconscious in a controlled, relaxed environment.
Relaxation is NOT lethargy or being a 'couch-potato'. It means opening the door to being your best. We all have tremendous mental and physical potential. We all have gifts and talents that are often hidden within us. Get rid of the negative stress and there is so much more energy to tap into this potential. Like Kate Clark, who says: "I feel great about the work we've done. Literally a life changing experience".
We usually also teach self-hypnosis in these situations. This can give you an extra boost in any situation, and keep you in the performance 'zone'.
Imagine being calm and relaxed all of the time - naturally. Imagine always being happy, positive and full of energy. Why imagine? Everyone can easily be hypnotized, and with our unique, safe approach anyone can easily relax.
Like Peter Grant: "You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. My blood pressure is back to normal - 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. My mind is clear, my concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness and relaxation. If there are any stresses I now know how to deal with them. Everyone else can get stressed out but not me any more. I am taking lots of breaks at work and I have no trouble closing the door and relaxing when I feel I need to. The hypnosis tapes helped a great deal and also help me sleep better at night." We hear these reports all the time.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about ending the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success! I will show you simple and effective ways to relax and stay in control, including specialized breathing and mind control techniques. Both yourself and others will notice a positive change and calmness within you. Turn stress into power! You deserve this, so don't procrastinate - call us today.
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
Turn Negative Stress Into Positive Power
Who else wants increased health, vigor, vitality, strength,
patience, concentration and control? And as a side benefit
a stronger immune system. And also a clear mind. How about
having your body and mind are free to work together more
Seriously, what's the down side? Nothing at all. You would
be able to do more work or play, in less time, and without
getting tired! And to have all this all you have to do is the
one thing in life that involves no effort at all: Relax.
Ah, but it is easier said than done! Still, no matter how well
you think you cope with life, your quality of life will improve
with relaxation. And we are here to help you do that.
What exactly is stress? It is a natural reaction that helps
us to adapt to various situations in life. This reaction can
be either positive or negative. Positive, or motivational,
stress is under our control and helps us succeed in life.
But if not controlled then it starts to control us, against our will. This is negative stress, and is the root of countless problems in body and mind.
With the fast and pressured pace of society today it is hardly surprising that stress problems have reached epidemic proportions. Business and personal lives suffer. People neglect their families and responsibilities. Say goodbye to quality life.
We all have a system to help us cope with stress - the 'fight or flight' mechanism. This causes a release of adrenaline and other hormones that help us either combat the stress or run away from it. But this system was not designed to cope with the constant onslaught of non-threatening, imaginary, and emotional stresses placed upon it. The system becomes over used and over sensitive, and less effective when we really need to use it.
The effects of even mild stresses accumulate and it becomes harder for our systems to balance
themselves again. This results in stress headaches, insomnia, indigestion, fatigue and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms and illnesses. One of the first signs of stress is a weakened immune system. High blood pressure and heart problems are nearly always associated with stress. In fact, most of today's health problems are aggravated or caused by stress related. We can employ ingenious methods to suppress our stress, but the suppressed stress builds up and often erupts, with terrible results.
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on various pills and
potions to help them cope better. And then there's alcohol. But these
'easy' methods can destroy us! And they don't seem to be working
overall - the stress problem is getting worse. What we need is a NEW,
BETTER solution. Interestingly, most of us have never been taught how
to relax. That's why we teach people how every day.
EVERYONE CAN RELAX! It is simply a natural process that needs to be
re-learned. But repeated stress behavior creates a powerful
SUBCONSCIOUS habit. The subconscious is ultimately in charge. It
holds these negative stress patterns and no matter how bad they are it
believes they are necessary. It may seem crazy but the subconscious
is simply doing what you have taught it to do. The subconscious does
not reason or think logically at all.
You now realize that the ingredients of the problem exist in the subconscious mind. So, obviously the solution lies in dealing with the subconscious. Makes sense, right?
This involves far more than a 'pep-talk', or simple affirmations. Fighting a subconscious problem in the conscious mind is often a waste of time. It is clear that the subconscious must be dealt with. It needs re-educating. The subconscious is in charge of your behavior, so if you use a method that doesn't deal with it you could be setting yourself up for another failure.
The safest, fastest and surest (and in my opinion - the ONLY) way to change the subconscious conditioning is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis gives us access to the subconscious in a controlled, relaxed environment.
Relaxation is NOT lethargy or being a 'couch-potato'. It means opening the door to being your best. We all have tremendous mental and physical potential. We all have gifts and talents that are often hidden within us. Get rid of the negative stress and there is so much more energy to tap into this potential. Like Kate Clark, who says: "I feel great about the work we've done. Literally a life changing experience".
We usually also teach self-hypnosis in these situations. This can give you an extra boost in any situation, and keep you in the performance 'zone'.
Imagine being calm and relaxed all of the time - naturally. Imagine always being happy, positive and full of energy. Why imagine? Everyone can easily be hypnotized, and with our unique, safe approach anyone can easily relax.
Like Peter Grant: "You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. My blood pressure is back to normal - 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. My mind is clear, my concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness and relaxation. If there are any stresses I now know how to deal with them. Everyone else can get stressed out but not me any more. I am taking lots of breaks at work and I have no trouble closing the door and relaxing when I feel I need to. The hypnosis tapes helped a great deal and also help me sleep better at night." We hear these reports all the time.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about ending the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success! I will show you simple and effective ways to relax and stay in control, including specialized breathing and mind control techniques. Both yourself and others will notice a positive change and calmness within you. Turn stress into power! You deserve this, so don't procrastinate - call us today.
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
Turn Negative Stress
Into Positive Power
Who else wants increased
health, vitality, strength,
vigor, concentration,
patience and control? And
as a side benefit a stronger
immune system. And also a
clear mind. How about having
your body and mind are free
to work together more
Seriously, what's the down
side? Nothing at all. You would
be able to do more work or play, in less time, and without getting tired! And to have all this all you have to do is the one thing in life that involves no effort at all: Relax.
Ah, but it is easier said than done! Still, no matter how well you think you cope with life, your quality of life will improve with relaxation. And we are here to help you do that.
What exactly is stress? It is a natural reaction that helps us to adapt to various situations in life. This reaction can be either positive or negative. Positive, or motivational, stress is under our control and helps us succeed in life. But if not controlled then it starts to control us, against our will. This is negative stress, and is the root of countless problems in body and mind.
With the fast and pressured pace of society today it is hardly surprising that stress problems have reached epidemic proportions. Business and personal lives suffer. People neglect their families and responsibilities. Say goodbye to quality life.
We all have a system to help us cope with stress - the 'fight or flight' mechanism. This causes a release of adrenaline and other hormones that help us either combat the stress or run away from it. But this system was not designed to cope with the constant onslaught of non-threatening, imaginary, and emotional stresses placed upon it. The system becomes over used and over sensitive, and less effective when we really need to use it.
The effects of even mild stresses accumulate and it becomes harder for our systems to balance themselves again. This results in stress headaches, insomnia, indigestion, fatigue and a whole host of other unpleasant symptoms and illnesses. One of the first signs of stress is a weakened immune system. High blood pressure and heart problems are nearly always associated with stress. In fact, most of today's health problems are aggravated or caused by stress related. We can employ ingenious methods to suppress our stress, but the suppressed stress builds up and often erupts, with terrible results.
Americans spend billions of dollars each year on various pills and potions to help them cope better. And then there's alcohol. But these 'easy' methods can destroy us! And they don't seem to be working overall - the stress problem is getting worse. What we need is a NEW, BETTER solution. Interestingly, most of us have never been taught howto relax. That's why we teach people how every day.
EVERYONE CAN RELAX! It is simply a natural process that needs to be re-learned. But repeated stress behavior creates a powerful SUBCONSCIOUS habit. The subconscious is ultimately in charge. It holds these negative stress patterns and no matter how bad they are it believes they are necessary. It may seem crazy but the subconsciousis simply doing what you have taught it to do. The subconscious does not reason or think logically at all.
You now realize that the ingredients of the problem exist in the subconscious mind. So, obviously the solution lies in dealing with the subconscious. Makes sense, right?
This involves far more than a 'pep-talk', or simple affirmations. Fighting a subconscious problem in the conscious mind is often a waste of time. It is clear that the subconscious must be dealt with. It needs re-educating. The subconscious is in charge of your behavior, so if you use a method that doesn't deal with it you could be setting yourself up for another failure.
The safest, fastest and surest (and in my opinion - the ONLY) way to change the subconscious conditioning is with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis gives us access to the subconscious in a controlled, relaxed environment.
Relaxation is NOT lethargy or being a 'couch-potato'. It means opening the door to being your best. We all have tremendous mental and physical potential. We all have gifts and talents that are often hidden within us. Get rid of the negative stress and there is so much more energy to tap into this potential. Like Kate Clark, who says: "I feel great about the work we've done. Literally a life changing experience".
We usually also teach self-hypnosis in these situations. This can give you an extra boost in any situation, and keep you in the performance 'zone'.
Imagine being calm and relaxed all of the time - naturally. Imagine always being happy, positive and full of energy. Why imagine? Everyone can easily be hypnotized, and with our unique, safe approach anyone can easily relax.
Like Peter Grant: "You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. My blood pressure is back to normal - 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. My mind is clear, my concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness and relaxation. If there are any stresses I now know how to deal with them. Everyone else can get stressed out but not me any more. I am taking lots of breaks at work and I have no trouble closing the door and relaxing when I feel I need to. The hypnosis tapes helped a great deal and also help me sleep better at night." We hear these reports all the time.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about ending the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success! I will show you simple and effective ways to relax and stay in control, including specialized breathing and mind control techniques. Both yourself and others will notice a positive change and calmness within you. Turn stress into power! You deserve this, so don't procrastinate - call us today.