After I Quit Smoking With Hypnosis
What can you expect? Well, in a nutshell - you will reverse the effects of smoking. When you understand exactly what you are reversing you will never doubt your smart decision to quit.
There are over 3000 deadly poisons a cigarette. And over 43 carcinogens have been found. These include arsenic, cyanide, formaldehyde, phenol and carbon monoxide. If you smoke 20 a day up to 15% of your bloodstream may be filled with carbon monoxide! Nicotine itself is deadly poisonous. Just a tiny drop will kill a man.
It has also been discovered that the radioactivity from lead and polonium in cigarettes is equivalent to 200 chest x-rays a year for a 20 a day smoker!
When you inhale cigarette smoke between 70 - 90% of the harmful toxins remain in your body. Also, 20 cigarettes a day puts a quart of sticky, brown tar into your lungs each year. Can you imagine that?
In short, it is estimated that each cigarette you smoke takes 8 minutes off your life span. So if you smoke 20 a day that's more than a month lost every year. And don't forget that the remaining years are likely to have their quality reduced drastically. And you'll also look older - smoking ages the skin.
Well, this is all over after you quit. You are on a journey to a healthier, longer, more quality life.
The Good News
You can naturally expect better health, easier breathing, a stronger immune system and peace of mind when you quit smoking.
· After just 8 hours your blood oxygen and carbon monoxide levels normalize.
· All the nicotine will leave your system within three days.
· Your smell and taste starts to improve.
· After two or three weeks your body readjusts bio-chemically back to normal.
· Your lung function increases by as much as 30%.
· Your risk of lung and other cancers reduces after about a year, and steadily decreases
to those of a non-smoker.
· Even if you have existing heart disease, the death rate is halved when you quit smoking.
· Ulcers heal faster and there is less chance of a recurrence.
When you quit smoking your body will naturally eliminate all the tobacco poisons. Smoking damages the tiny hairs that help to clean particles of foreign matter from the lungs. So when you quit smoking your lungs have the opportunity to cleanse. Breathing is easier and so is exercise.
You are likely to think of smoking now and then for a while. You may see or smell others smoking. You may feel you should be doing something at the times you used to smoke. This is all perfectly normal. Follow the hypnosis suggestions from the sessions and thoughts of smoking will quickly pass by. This validates your new sense of control and self-respect. You'll wonder what the big deal was.
This is a time to start a new life. Do the things you always wanted to but have avoided until now. Start or restart a hobby. Your mind needs new, positive things to focus on. Enjoy your new life!
More good news!
Quitting smoking is a wonderful investment. Obviously! The return on your investment is usually between 200% to 400% in the first year alone. And this is just from the money saved by not smoking. If you smoke a pack a day, you will also add about a month of quality, healthier life to your life-span each year! Not a bad deal! Think about it - IT'S BETTER THAN FREE! I don't know where else you can get a return like that! If you do - let me in on it!
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
LLone Star Hypnosis
Lone Star Hypnosis
Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
Quit Smoking
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Quit Smoking Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
FINALLY! A simple, down-to-earth,
step-by-step approach to quitting
smoking quickly. A breakthrough,
proven system, designed for
genuine, lasting results.
Here's a good reason for you to smile. Many thousands and thousands of Americans have quit smoking with hypnosis! People like you. Fact.
Andrew McCole's Smoke Free System offers you a real opportunity to stop smoking instantly. Many hardcore smokers report this advanced system is easy, effortless and without anxiety, stress, withdrawal or weight gain. Be sure to see what our clients have to say.
We offer you an affordable, distinct advantage over the pain and suffering of "cold turkey" and other common 'low success' methods.
Imagine ENJOYING life as a healthy non-smoker. No problem with withdrawal, or weight gain. Why
imagine? Like Louise Feddema who proudly states: "I quit in only two sessions! It was easy and actually fun to be so successful at this", everyone can easily be hypnotized. With my unique, safe and painless approach almost anyone can easily quit smoking.
Click the menu buttons for more
details about this program.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, hen call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
See our testimonial books, posters and videos to learn what people just like you have to say. The success stories are real. We hear them everyday. You'll learn how Ron Nicolas easily stopped his 50 a day smoking habit! You'll see real people who got genuine lasting results. Merle Pozemsky, who quit smoking with us reported: "I've been to two other hypnotherapists and never felt any results. But after your sessions I finally feel like I have some control over my life. It's a very liberating feeling! Very successful! Works like magic!"


What About Value?
You already know that quitting smoking has a wonderful financial value. Obviously! The return on your investment here is usually between 200% to 400% in the first year alone. And this is just from the money saved by not smoking. If you smoke a pack a day, you will also add about a month of quality, healthier life to your life-span each year! Not a bad deal! Think about it - IT'S BETTER THAN FREE! I don't know where else you can get a return like that!
Yet when I talk about value, it has to include common sense. After all, if you pay a cheaper rate for something that doesn't work, it is hardly good value.
Unlike many smoking cessation programs and products, we do NOT rely on repeat business. In fact, we are so confident of our success that we offer a guarantee of FREE support if needed after some programs. Get the full details at our office
The Cost of Smoking
Time to be honest here. I mean it – it is easy to gloss over this in order to avoid the sting of the truth. Our in-office surveys show that our average smoker has spent between $1500 to $1700 in the last year on smoking, and some have spent double that! Plus the many direct and indirect costs of poorer health.
Use the calculator to add up the TOTAL cost of everything
you have spent due to smoking over the last year. That
means EVERYTHING, including sales tax and extras
that you buy because of smoking.
Please be totally honest here.
See how much you can save. Then take advantage of our
free hypnosis screening and decide for yourself if we offer
the best value anywhere!
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
See our testimonial books, posters and video. The success stories are real. We hear them everyday. You'll learn how Ron Nicolas easily stopped his 50 a day smoking habit! You'll see real people who got genuine lasting results. Merle Pozemsky, who quit smoking with us reported: "I've been to two other hypnotherapists and never felt any results. But after your sessions I finally feel like I have some control over my life. It's a very liberating feeling! Very successful! Works like magic!"
Imagine ENJOYING life as a healthy non smoker. No problem with withdrawal, or weight gain. Why imagine? Like Louise Feddema who proudly states: "I quit in only two sessions! It was easy and actually fun to be so successful at this",everyone can easily be hypnotized. With my unique, safe and painless approach almost anyone can easily quit smoking.
So breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
More Quit Smoking Hypnosis Results
Here are just a few more samples of what our clients have to say. You can also come to our office and see our testimonial books, posters and videos. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say.
A. Currie quit 40 cigarettes a day after 30 years.
You are right that the patches don't work. I've spent a fortune and failed every time. My new doctor recommended you highly. When I came in I didn't believe I could quit a 30 year addiction of smoking 40 a day without a lot of time. But it took only 3 sessions like you said it would. I am feeling better every day. Breathing is easier. The cough is going. Like you said I feel I have a whole new lease of life! I thank you and my doctor for referring me to you. So does Mary and the kids.
Linda Huerta quit smoking 20 a day after 20 years.
I had to quit for health reasons, not because I wanted to. After hypnosis I was confident and did not feel nervous or go through withdrawal symptoms. It was so much easier to quit than I thought. I was very calm and relaxed. I feel in control now. It feels wonderful - I no longer have to smoke. People say they are proud of me, I smell good and look better. I have had much relief from my asthma. I have more time.
Marla Posemsky quit 20 + a day addiction.
I've been to two other hypnotherapists and never felt any results. But after your sessions I finally feel like I have some control over my life. It's a very liberating feeling! Very successful! Works like magic!
Louise Feldman quit smoking 20+ a day.
It is hard to believe that I quit in only two sessions! It was easy and actually fun to be so successful at this. This success has made me feel a lot better about myself.
Debra quit 15 + a day habit.
I was able to finally quit smoking without any jitters, irritability and without any desire to lapse into old habits!! I feel totally empowered and in control. My health and mental attitude has taken a huge leap into the positive.
Peter Grant relieved stress and lowered blood pressure.
You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. It is now 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. I have got many benefits from hypnotherapy. My mind is clear, concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness.
Ron Nicholas quit 50 a day.
As a smoker of 50 a day I didn't believe I could quit. I was very skeptical at first, but you really opened my eyes at your initial consultation. Thanks to you and your talents I have not even thought of smoking for 2 months. I never got any withdrawal. Even when others smoke it is not a big deal. I still find it hard to believe how easy it was. I have saved more than I paid you already. I have not put on a single pound.
Carrie Peters quit 20 a day.
I have gone from a 20 a day habit with stress and coughing to zero a day with clearer lungs, and getting better every day. I used to use my inhaler 4 or 5 times a day, but now just once a day and sometimes not at all. This really works! When I stopped before it was hell and it didn't last. But your hypnosis makes it seem effortless. Really! I am more relaxed. I breathe easier. I sleep better. I am getting fitter. You are a great hypnotist. Your services are worth every penny and more. I am not even tempted to smoke. That's really amazing.
Naturally, results do vary from person to person.
Names may have been edited to respect the privacy of clients.
Testimonials can be viewed at the office.
More Quit Smoking Hypnosis Results
Here are just a few more samples of what our clients have to say. You can also come to our office and see our testimonial books, posters and videos. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say.
A. Currie quit 40 cigarettes a day after 30 years.
You are right that the patches don't work. I've spent a fortune and failed every time. My new doctor recommended you highly. When I came in I didn't believe I could quit a 30 year addiction of smoking 40 a day without a lot of time. But it took only 3 sessions like you said it would. I am feeling better every day. Breathing is easier. The cough is going. Like you said I feel I have a whole new lease of life! I thank you and my doctor for referring me to you. So does Mary and the kids.
Linda Huerta quit smoking 20 a day after 20 years.
I had to quit for health reasons, not because I wanted to. After hypnosis I was confident and did not feel nervous or go through withdrawal symptoms. It was so much easier to quit than I thought. I was very calm and relaxed. I feel in control now. It feels wonderful - I no longer have to smoke. People say they are proud of me, I smell good and look better. I have had much relief from my asthma. I have more time.
Marla Posemsky quit 20 + a day addiction.
I've been to two other hypnotherapists and never felt any results. But after your sessions I finally feel like I have some control over my life. It's a very liberating feeling! Very successful! Works like magic!
Louise Feldman quit smoking 20+ a day.
It is hard to believe that I quit in only two sessions! It was easy and actually fun to be so successful at this. This success has made me feel a lot better about myself.
Debra quit 15 + a day habit.
I was able to finally quit smoking without any jitters, irritability and without any desire to lapse into old habits!! I feel totally empowered and in control. My health and mental attitude has taken a huge leap into the positive.
Peter Grant relieved stress and lowered blood pressure.
You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. It is now 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. I have got many benefits from hypnotherapy. My mind is clear, concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness.
Ron Nicholas quit 50 a day.
As a smoker of 50 a day I didn't believe I could quit. I was very skeptical at first, but you really opened my eyes at your initial consultation. Thanks to you and your talents I have not even thought of smoking for 2 months. I never got any withdrawal. Even when others smoke it is not a big deal. I still find it hard to believe how easy it was. I have saved more than I paid you already. I have not put on a single pound.
Carrie Peters quit 20 a day.
I have gone from a 20 a day habit with stress and coughing to zero a day with clearer lungs, and getting better every day. I used to use my inhaler 4 or 5 times a day, but now just once a day and sometimes not at all. This really works! When I stopped before it was hell and it didn't last. But your hypnosis makes it seem effortless. Really! I am more relaxed. I breathe easier. I sleep better. I am getting fitter. You are a great hypnotist. Your services are worth every penny and more. I am not even tempted to smoke. That's really amazing.
Naturally, results do vary from person to person.
Names may have been edited to respect the privacy of clients.
Testimonials can be viewed at the office.
More Quit Smoking
Hypnosis Results
Here are just a few more samples of what our clients have to say. You can also come to our office and see our testimonial books, posters and videos. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say.
A. Currie quit 40 cigarettes a day after 30 years.
You are right that the patches don't work. I've spent a fortune and failed every time. My new doctor recommended you highly. When I came in I didn't believe I could quit a 30 year addiction of smoking 40 a day without a lot of time. But it took only 3 sessions like you said it would. I am feeling better every day. Breathing is easier. The cough is going. Like you said I feel I have a whole new lease of life! I thank you and my doctor for referring me to you. So does Mary and the kids.
Linda Huerta quit smoking 20 a day after 20 years.
I had to quit for health reasons, not because I wanted to. After hypnosis I was confident and did not feel nervous or go through withdrawal symptoms. It was so much easier to quit than I thought. I was very calm and relaxed. I feel in control now. It feels wonderful - I no longer have to smoke. People say they are proud of me, I smell good and look better. I have had much relief from my asthma. I have more time.
Marla Posemsky quit 20 + a day addiction.
I've been to two other hypnotherapists and never felt any results. But after your sessions I finally feel like I have some control over my life. It's a very liberating feeling! Very successful! Works like magic!
Louise Feldman quit smoking 20+ a day.
It is hard to believe that I quit in only two sessions! It was easy and actually fun to be so successful at this. This success has made me feel a lot better about myself.
Debra quit 15 + a day habit.
I was able to finally quit smoking without any jitters, irritability and without any desire to lapse into old habits!! I feel totally empowered and in control. My health and mental attitude has taken a huge leap into the positive.
Peter Grant relieved stress and lowered blood pressure.
You have helped me to relax and reduce my blood pressure. It is now 135 over 80 without any medication for three weeks. I have got many benefits from hypnotherapy. My mind is clear, concentration is improved, I am in control and have an inner calmness.
Ron Nicholas quit 50 a day.
As a smoker of 50 a day I didn't believe I could quit. I was very skeptical at first, but you really opened my eyes at your initial consultation. Thanks to you and your talents I have not even thought of smoking for 2 months. I never got any withdrawal. Even when others smoke it is not a big deal. I still find it hard to believe how easy it was. I have saved more than I paid you already. I have not put on a single pound.
Carrie Peters quit 20 a day.
I have gone from a 20 a day habit with stress and coughing to zero a day with clearer lungs, and getting better every day. I used to use my inhaler 4 or 5 times a day, but now just once a day and sometimes not at all. This really works! When I stopped before it was hell and it didn't last. But your hypnosis makes it seem effortless. Really! I am more relaxed. I breathe easier. I sleep better. I am getting fitter. You are a great hypnotist. Your services are worth every penny and more. I am not even tempted to smoke. That's really amazing.
Naturally, results do vary from person to person. Names may have been edited to respect the privacy of clients. Testimonials can be viewed at the office.