Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved

Real Stories From
Real People!
There are seven pages of testimonials on this site, and this is only a small sample of what our clients have to say. There are hundreds of pages of testimonials in our office. When you come in be sure to see our testimonial books, posters and videos. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say. What better source of down-to-earth proof is there?
Hi, I'm Laura Anderson. I lost 34 pounds with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis, and it was so easy it almost seemed automatic. This program is one-of-a-kind. And I should know - I have tried every diet and system out there. They start off good, but then the weight comes back - plus extra!
I was ready to give up hope.
I was so tired of everyone saying; "You've got such a pretty face… if only you could lose some of the weight..." It was so embarrassing, and felt so unfair. I always avoided socializing, and looked down wherever I walked.
Not anymore! Now I hold my head up with pride! And I give all the credit to Andrew McCole and his hypnosis.
When I first saw their website, I could really relate to the other testimonials. So I took the invitation for a free hypnosis screening. What did I have to lose?
I was nervous because I had been to another local hypnosis center and found them really creepy. But Andrew was so friendly, professional and confident that I felt immediately inspired. He genuinely cared. Everything he said made so much sense, and there was no pressure at all. He wouldn't even take me as a client unless I was totally comfortable.
The hypnosis sessions were both relaxing and fun. I always left the office feeling incredible. Each session was recorded, so I could repeat the experience any time I wanted.
Weight loss was so easy. I found it easy to follow the instructions. I didn't have to struggle at all. There are no cravings. I don't even think about comfort eating. I enjoy going out and exercising. I have incredible energy. And I know these behaviors are part of me now. They don't wear out. I feel set for life! I am a new person – a thin person. I live and think like a thin person. It's just who I am now.
I cant tell you how much this has done for my confidence. Another benefit is that my concentration and memory have improved 100%. I feel powerful and in control in every situation now. I get a lot of positive attention, and complements all of the time. I can finally wear pretty clothes and feel great wearing them.
I even have a written hypnosis guarantee, so if I have any problems in the future I can go back to Andrew at no cost. No other place I have been had the confidence to make an offer like that!
I am happy to share my true story with you. Please don't waste your time with all the popular fads out there. Be smart! Andrew's hypnosis program really works! I cannot recommend him enough.
How I Dumped 48 Pounds, and
Gained a New Life.
My name is Kitt Johnson. I am a mother of five.
I lost 48 lbs. with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis.
Here's how I did it.
Ever since I was a kid I have had weight problems. I grew
up a "nervous eater", craving sweets and fattening food,
and bingeing. I couldn't stop snacking. It got worse after
having children.
I felt awful, worrying what other people thought. I avoided
going out. No confidence. I pointlessly tried to hide my
flab. It made me totally miserable and disgusted at myself.
So what did I do? I ate more! I was out of control.
I had tried every diet program. The weight came back worse than before. Diet pills made me sick. I always felt deprived. I could not live my life on a diet. I didn't know what to do. My doctor said I was too old to lose weight.
Suddenly, a light at the end of the tunnel. A friend of mine shared her secret with me. She'd lost almost 30 pounds, and she looked terrific. She said she felt like a million bucks. Her secret? She used hypnosis. Could it help me too? I had to know. So she gave me Andrew McCole's number. I remembered reading about him in the paper. I got excited. I called for a free hypnosis screening . . .
All my questions were answered clearly and honestly. Everything was explained in detail. The office was relaxing and comfortable. There was no obligation or pressure at all.
Right after my very first session, my eating habits transformed. My cravings and nervous eating vanished. I lost my sweet tooth. I felt satisfied with smaller portions of food. All I wanted were foods that were good for me and helped me to lose weight. For the first time I was in control of food! I don't have to fight with myself anymore. I am satisfied - not deprived.
The most amazing part is I NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M DIETING. I just live a healthier, more quality, more relaxed lifestyle - and the weight loss seems automatic! No guilt. No shame. I didn't have to follow a diet. No calorie counting. Or fat grams. And no exhausting exercise. I feel free!
This program has given me the power to control my eating, instead of it controlling me. And it was easier than I ever dreamed. It worked for me when everything else had failed. I know I'll never go back to those old, negative patterns. It feels great! I wish everyone could feel so good. I recommend this program every chance I get. And why not? I get compliments every day.
I honestly feel fantastic. I'm much more fun to
be around. I love to go out and socialize now. I
look good and feel good. I have gained a new
life. I am full of confidence and energy. I've
released the past and now I am free to enjoy
my life to the fullest!
This program is affordable. I shudder when I think
of the $1000's I have thrown down the drain with
other programs. I got what I paid for and much more. It was the smartest investment I ever made. And the best part is that I was given a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE. If I ever needed help again I would not be charged a penny. That kind of confidence is impressive. You won't find it at any diet center!
If you need to lose weight you must come see Andrew McCole!
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
How I Dumped 48 Pounds,
and Gained a New Life.
My name is Kitt Johnson. I am a mother of five.
I lost 48 lbs. with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis. Here's how I did it.
Ever since I was a kid I have had weight problems. I grew up a "nervous eater", craving sweets and fattening food, and bingeing. I couldn't stop snacking. It got worse after
having children.
I felt awful, worrying what other people thought. I avoided going out. No confidence. I pointlessly tried to hide my flab. It made me totally miserable and disgusted at myself. So what did I do? I ate more! I was out of control.
I had tried every diet program. The weight came back worse than before. Diet pills made me sick. I always felt deprived. I could not live my life on a diet. I didn't know what to do. My doctor said I was too old to lose weight.
Suddenly, a light at the end of the tunnel. A friend of mine shared her secret with me. She'd lost almost 30 pounds, and she looked terrific. She said she felt like a million bucks. Her secret? She used hypnosis. Could it help me too? I had to know. So she gave me Andrew McCole's number. I remembered reading about him in the paper. I got excited. I called for a free hypnosis screening . . .
All my questions were answered clearly and honestly. Everything was explained in detail. The office was relaxing and comfortable. There was no obligation or pressure at all.
Right after my very first session, my eating habits transformed. My cravings and nervous eating vanished. I lost my sweet tooth. I felt satisfied with smaller portions of food. All I wanted were foods that were good for me and helped me to lose weight. For the first time I was in control of food! I don't have to fight with myself anymore. I am satisfied - not deprived.
The most amazing part is I NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M DIETING. I just live a healthier, more quality, more relaxed lifestyle - and the weight loss seems automatic! No guilt. No shame. I didn't have to follow a diet. No calorie counting. Or fat grams. And no exhausting exercise. I feel free!
This program has given me the power to control my eating, instead of it controlling me. And it was easier than I ever dreamed. It worked for me when everything else had failed. I know I'll never go back to those old, negative patterns. It feels great! I wish everyone could feel so good. I recommend this program every chance I get. And why not? I get compliments every day.
I honestly feel fantastic. I'm much more fun to be around. I love to go out and socialize now. I look good and feel good. I have gained a new life. I am full of confidence and energy. I've released the past and now I am free to enjoy my life to the fullest!
This program is affordable. I shudder when I think of the $1000's I have thrown down the drain with other programs. I got what I paid for and much more. It was the smartest investment I ever made. And the best part is that I was given a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE. If I ever needed help again I would not be charged a penny. That kind of confidence is impressive. You won't find it at any diet center!
If you need to lose weight you must come see Andrew McCole!

"Thanks for Saving my Life!"
"My name is Dave Westman. I am a mortgage broker. I smoked 30 a day for 25 years.
Both patches and gum failed and had a very negative effect.
I've also been to other hypnosis centers without success. I was impressed that Andrew McCole's Hypnosis Center found out a lot about me so they could tailor a program for me, as an individual. The screening was informative.
Hypnosis has erased my smoking habit. It was easy. If I thought of smoking it just lasted a few seconds. Even when my friends smoke it doesn't bother me. It's like I've never smoked before.
It was a new beginning for me. I have more time to do the things I really enjoy doing. I am going to be able to see my son grow up, and spend time with my grand kids one day. My friends and brother are surprised. My wife is so proud. She gave me a gift certificate for a massage!
The fees are extremely reasonable. Even if they were more I would pay it gladly. I am saving a tremendous amount of money.
I know for a fact that I will never smoke again. Thanks for saving my life, Andrew!"

Smoke Free
After 22 Years!
"My name is Melinda Koschi. I'd been a smoker for
more than 20 years. I used to smoke between
20 and 30 a day.
I tend to be a skeptic. But I was impressed that Andrew
took the time to explain everything step by step at our
initial meeting. I felt very comfortable.
Although at first I didn't believe hypnosis would work for
me, I was really amazed! I never had a problem, no withdrawal symptoms or cravings at
all. It didn't bother me to be around other people who smoked.
My success was fast, easy and effortless. It was really phenomenal. I have to give all the credit to the hypnosis sessions. I never could have done it by myself.
I highly recommend the program. This is the easiest way to do it. There's no pain whatsoever. It's definitely worth the money."
Real Stories From Real People!
There are seven pages of testimonials on this site, and this is only a small sample of what our clients have to say. There are hundreds of pages of testimonials in our office. When you come in be sure to see our testimonial books, posters and videos. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say. What better source of down-to-earth proof is there?
Hi, I'm Laura Anderson. I lost 34 pounds with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis, and it was so easy it almost seemed automatic. This program is one-of-a-kind. And I should know - I have tried every diet and system out there. They start off good, but then the weight comes back - plus extra!
I was ready to give up hope.
I was so tired of everyone saying; "You've got such a pretty face… if only you could lose some of the weight..." It was so embarrassing, and felt so unfair. I always avoided socializing, and looked down wherever I walked.
Not anymore! Now I hold my head up with pride! And I give all the credit to Andrew McCole and his hypnosis.
When I first saw their website, I could really relate to the other testimonials. So I took the invitation for a free hypnosis screening. What did I have to lose?
I was nervous because I had been to another local hypnosis center and found them really creepy. But Andrew was so friendly, professional and confident that I felt immediately inspired. He genuinely cared. Everything he said made so much sense, and there was no pressure at all. He wouldn't even take me as a client unless I was totally comfortable.
The hypnosis sessions were both relaxing and fun. I always left the office feeling incredible. Each session was recorded, so I could repeat the experience any time I wanted.
Weight loss was so easy. I found it easy to follow the instructions. I didn't have to struggle at all. There are no cravings. I don't even think about comfort eating. I enjoy going out and exercising. I have incredible energy. And I know these behaviors are part of me now. They don't wear out. I feel set for life! I am a new person – a thin person. I live and think like a thin person. It's just who I am now.
I cant tell you how much this has done for my confidence. Another benefit is that my concentration and memory have improved 100%. I feel powerful and in control in every situation now. I get a lot of positive attention, and complements all of the time. I can finally wear pretty clothes and feel great wearing them.
I even have a written hypnosis guarantee, so if I have any problems in the future I can go back to Andrew at no cost. No other place I have been had the confidence to make an offer like that!
I am happy to share my true story with you. Please don't waste your time with all the popular fads out there. Be smart! Andrew's hypnosis program really works! I cannot recommend him enough.
"This is the most effective, powerful,
long lasting approach
to any problem."
"My name is Ted Rosum. I am an actor. I first
came to Andrew for help with memory, so that I
could learn my lines. I had a large part in a
theatre production coming up.
It has improved my performance level many
hundreds of percent. I cannot begin to describe
just how much more confident, powerful, and in
touch with my creative 'well' I am. I cannot praise
it highly enough.
It is very natural and very scientific. It is very fast, almost instantaneous. Immediate results. It is effortless. This is the most effective, powerful, long lasting approach to any problem. A new door has opened for me – a continuing release of potential and power. For me, a Phoenix has risen from the ashes. A lot of people have noticed the change within me.
What would you pay to have your dreams realized? It is extremely affordable. And more so every day as I keep on improving. Absolutely priceless. I highly recommend Andrew to anyone who wishes to change anything in their life for the better."
"I've Lost Weight & Gained Confidence
& Self Respect."
"My name is Cindy Laney. My experience here has
changed my outlook on life. I am a much happier
and more positive person. And people notice. I've
always got a smile on my face!
I had been over-weight since high school and used
to put myself down all the time. I use to lose weight
with other programs but always put it back on again.
With this program I've lost 20 pounds and kept it
off for more than a year now. I am positive and
relaxed. I get lots of positive comments. It was a
good investment.
I used to be ADDICTED to chocolate. Now I can enjoy it occasionally, and I find I am
It was really easy to lose weight. I love to exercise and just do it without a second thought.
I continue to be impressed with caring follow-up calls. I would very highly recommend Andrew McCole and his hypnosis center to anyone looking for improvement in any area of their life."
"This is the most effective,
powerful, long lasting
approach to any problem."
"My name is Ted Rosum. I am an actor. I first came to Andrew for help with memory, so that I could learn my lines. I had a large part in a theatre production coming up.
It has improved my performance level many hundreds of percent. I cannot begin to describe just how much more confident, powerful, and in touch with my creative 'well' I am. I cannot praise it highly enough.
It is very natural and very scientific. It is very fast, almost instantaneous. Immediate results. It is effortless. This is the most effective, powerful, long lasting approach to any problem. A new door has opened for me – a continuing release of potential and power. For me, a Phoenix has risen from the ashes. A lot of people have noticed the change within me.
What would you pay to have your dreams realized? It is extremely affordable. And more so every day as I keep on improving. Absolutely priceless. I highly recommend Andrew to anyone who wishes to change anything in their life for the better."
"Thanks for Saving my Life!"
"My name is Dave Westman. I am a
mortgage broker. I smoked 30 a day
for 25 years.
Both patches and gum failed and had a
very negative effect.
I've also been to other hypnosis centers
without success. I was impressed that
Andrew McCole's Hypnosis Center found
out a lot about me so they could tailor a
program for me, as an individual. The
screening was informative.
Hypnosis has erased my smoking habit. It was easy. If I thought of smoking it just lasted a few seconds. Even when my friends smoke it doesn't bother me. It's like I've never smoked before.
It was a new beginning for me. I have more time to do the things I really enjoy doing. I am going to be able to see my son grow up, and spend time with my grand kids one day. My friends and brother are surprised. My wife is so proud. She gave me a gift certificate for a massage!
The fees are extremely reasonable. Even if they were more I would pay it gladly. I am saving a tremendous amount of money.
I know for a fact that I will never smoke again. Thanks for saving my life, Andrew!"

How I Dumped 48 Pounds, and
Gained a New Life.
My name is Kitt Johnson. I am a mother of five.
I lost 48 lbs. with Andrew McCole's Hypnosis.
Here's how I did it.
Ever since I was a kid I have had weight problems. I grew
up a "nervous eater", craving sweets and fattening food,
and bingeing. I couldn't stop snacking. It got worse after
having children.
I felt awful, worrying what other people thought. I avoided
going out. No confidence. I pointlessly tried to hide my
flab. It made me totally miserable and disgusted at myself.
So what did I do? I ate more! I was out of control.
I had tried every diet program. The weight came back worse than before. Diet pills made me sick. I always felt deprived. I could not live my life on a diet. I didn't know what to do. My doctor said I was too old to lose weight.
Suddenly, a light at the end of the tunnel. A friend of mine shared her secret with me. She'd lost almost 30 pounds, and she looked terrific. She said she felt like a million bucks. Her secret? She used hypnosis. Could it help me too? I had to know. So she gave me Andrew McCole's number. I remembered reading about him in the paper. I got excited. I called for a free hypnosis screening . . .
All my questions were answered clearly and honestly. Everything was explained in detail. The office was relaxing and comfortable. There was no obligation or pressure at all.
Right after my very first session, my eating habits transformed. My cravings and nervous eating vanished. I lost my sweet tooth. I felt satisfied with smaller portions of food. All I wanted were foods that were good for me and helped me to lose weight. For the first time I was in control of food! I don't have to fight with myself anymore. I am satisfied - not deprived.
The most amazing part is I NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M DIETING. I just live a healthier, more quality, more relaxed lifestyle - and the weight loss seems automatic! No guilt. No shame. I didn't have to follow a diet. No calorie counting. Or fat grams. And no exhausting exercise. I feel free!
This program has given me the power to control my eating, instead of it controlling me. And it was easier than I ever dreamed. It worked for me when everything else had failed. I know I'll never go back to those old, negative patterns. It feels great! I wish everyone could feel so good. I recommend this program every chance I get. And why not? I get compliments every day.
I honestly feel fantastic. I'm much more fun to
be around. I love to go out and socialize now. I
look good and feel good. I have gained a new
life. I am full of confidence and energy. I've
released the past and now I am free to enjoy
my life to the fullest!
This program is affordable. I shudder when I think
of the $1000's I have thrown down the drain with
other programs. I got what I paid for and much more. It was the smartest investment I ever made. And the best part is that I was given a WRITTEN LIFETIME GUARANTEE. If I ever needed help again I would not be charged a penny. That kind of confidence is impressive. You won't find it at any diet center!
If you need to lose weight you must come see Andrew McCole!

"Finally! Something
Naturally, results do vary from person to person.
Names have may been edited to respect the privacy of clients.
Testimonials can be viewed at the office.
There are many more testimonials on
our main browser page.
Naturally, results do vary from person to person.
Names have may been edited to respect the privacy of clients.
Testimonials can be viewed at the office.