Lone Star Hypnosis
Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
And they Recently Tried to Re-create This Slimming Gum!
Old and New Scams in the Weight Loss Industry
At first I included this page for some humor. Some of these old
weight loss ads are hilarious. They blatantly ripped people off,
and people fell for it!
Then I started to see how the same thing is happening today.
The outrageous claims and scams have just been re-worded
and adjusted to sound more credible. I believe that people still
fall for the scams because they are desperate.
Sadly, it is not just a few obvious scams that are fooling people.
Some of the more popular and respectable diet centers, clinics
and fad merchants are knowingly doing the same thing.
I cannot think of a popular diet method that doesn't cause the
body to lower metabolism and hold onto fat. There are methods
that minimize these negative side effects of dieting, but I don't
see any popular diet center using them.
I believe there is a reason for this: Profit! Yes, it's true. Nearly all
diet centers and products depend on repeat business. You may
have had success with a center and then got a mail solicitation
from them several months later inviting you to try their new special
offer. They knew you would put the weight back on. This is
unethical and monstrous, but what shocks me is that people keep
on going back to programs they have proven don't work!
You get the picture. Unless you are heavily into self-sabotage, or
believe you deserve to fail, I strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly,
recommend that you avoid these centers and products. Did I say
strongly? Investigate further if you don't believe me.
While we are on the subject of methods that fail, I want to talk
about diet pills. Everything from those disgusting, parasitic,
'tape-worm eggs in a capsule' from yesteryear (yes, the ad is
real!), to the amphetamines and hunger suppressing 'miracles' of
more modern times. Miracles indeed!
Let's look at the facts. There has never been a diet pill that has
not been exposed as having addictive properties and/or health
risks. Even though they were FDA approved. And the offending
companies get away with it again and again. Many people are
desperate, and they let themselves be misled by incomplete facts
and biased, questionable studies.
Several clients have asked me for an opinion regarding over-the-
counter fat absorbing pills (which are simply a weaker version of
the prescription ones). In theory, they prevent digestion of up to
25% of the fat you eat. The manufacturer recommends eating
less than 45 grams of fat a day. This is about 400 calories.
So the maximum calorie reduction is about 100 calories.
This is a best case scenario.

Old and New Scams in
the Weight Loss Industry
At first I included this page for some humor. Some of these old weight loss ads are hilarious. They blatantly ripped people off, and people fell for it!
Then I started to see how the
same thing is happening today.
The outrageous claims and
scams have just been re-
worded and adjusted to sound
more credible. I believe that
people still fall for the scams
because they are desperate.
Sadly, it is not just obvious
scams that are fooling people.
Some of the more popular and
respectable diet centers and
fad merchants are knowingly
doing the same thing.
I cannot think of a popular diet
method that doesn't cause the
body to lower metabolism and
store fat. There are methods
that minimize these negative side effects of dieting, but I don't see any popular diet center using them.
I believe there is a reason for this: Profit! Yes, it's true. Nearly all diet centers and products depend on repeat business. You may have had success with a center and then got a mail solicitation
from them several months later inviting you to try their new special offer. They knew you would put the weight back on.
You get the picture. Unless you are heavily into self-sabotage, or believe you deserve to fail, I strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly, recommend that you avoid these centers and products. Did I say strongly? Investigate further if you don't believe me.
While we are on
the subject of
methods that
I want to talk
about diet pills.
Everything from
those disgusting,
parasitic, 'tape-
worm eggs in a
capsule' from
yesteryear, to the
and hunger
'miracles' of
more modern times. Miracles indeed!
Let's look at the facts. There has never been a diet pill that has not been exposed as having addictive properties and/or health risks. Even though they were FDA approved.
Old and New Scams in the Weight Loss Industry
At first I included this page for some humor. Some of these old
weight loss ads are hilarious. They blatantly ripped people off,
and people fell for it!
Then I started to see how the same thing is happening today.
The outrageous claims and scams have just been re-worded
and adjusted to sound more credible. I believe that people still
fall for the scams because they are desperate.
Sadly, it is not just a few obvious scams that are fooling people.
Some of the more popular and respectable diet centers, clinics
and fad merchants are knowingly doing the same thing.
I cannot think of a popular diet method that doesn't cause the
body to lower metabolism and hold onto fat. There are methods
that minimize these negative side effects of dieting, but I don't
see any popular diet center using them.
I believe there is a reason for this: Profit! Yes, it's true. Nearly all
diet centers and products depend on repeat business. You may
have had success with a center and then got a mail solicitation
from them several months later invitingyou to try their new special
offer. They knew you would put the weight back on. This is
unethical and monstrous, but what shocks me is that people keep
on going back to programs they have proven don't work!
You get the picture. Unless you are heavily into self-sabotage, or
believe you deserve to fail, I strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly,
recommend that you avoid these centers and products. Did I say
strongly? Investigate further if you don't believe me.
While we are on the subject of methods that fail, I want to talk
about diet pills. Everything from those disgusting, parasitic,
'tape-worm eggs in a capsule' from yesteryear (yes, the ad is
real!), to the amphetamines and hunger suppressing 'miracles' of
more modern times. Miracles indeed!
Let's look at the facts. There has never been a diet pill that has
not been exposed as having addictive properties and/or health
risks. Even though they were FDA approved. And the offending
companies get away with it again and again. Many people are
desperate, and they let themselves be misled by incomplete facts
and biased, questionable studies.
Several clients have asked me for an opinion regarding over-the-
counter fat absorbing pills (which are simply a weaker version of
the prescription ones). In theory, they prevent digestion of up to
25% of the fat you eat. The manufacturer recommends eating
less than 45 grams of fat a day. This is about 400 calories.
So the maximum calorie reduction is about 100 calories.
This is a best case scenario.

And they Recently Tried to Re-create
This Slimming Gum!
Another vital consideration to take into account is your state of mind. This is so conveniently glossed over at diet centers. It is important to take into account any emotional factors involved. While losing weight and starting a new, healthy lifestyle many of our clients want or need more confidence, self-esteem, positive thought patterns, and less stress. Many are so used to being embarrassed and worrying about the judgment of others that they avoid life. This becomes another pattern that often causes self-sabotage, even after any excess fat has been lost. It is vital not to let those old, negative recordings keep playing in the mind.
Ask yourself these questions about being overweight:
· Has it affected your confidence at all?
· Do you care what others think about you?
· How does it affect your life? Social? Work?
· How do you feel about yourself when you
look in the mirror?
· Does fat embarrass you?
One major advantage of our hypnosis weight loss programs is that we address these issues. It is essential to remove self doubt and failure habits. In the past you may have found the light at the end of the tunnel to be an oncoming train. So what? Forget past failures. If you expect to fail then you probably will.
Past failures have a new role now. They are positive learning experiences that have brought you to this DOORWAY TO SUCCESS. Make no mistake - our program IS different. It is superior. It gets results - if you've been to our office you have seen our many testimonials. You can also see them all over this site. In our office we only accept people into this program who we are confident will succeed.
You can learn more about how our programs work by using the menus at the top.
The point of all this is to think, and do your research before paying for a weight loss method. Most people don't, and end up regretting it.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
For most people we can realistically reduce that to a measly 75 calories.
Assuming the body burned stored fat to match this (which will only partially
happen) it would take about seven weeks to burn one pound of fat. I think
12 would be more realistic for most people. And during that time there are
those troublesome side-effects to worry about.
So, is it worth it? You'll have to decide for yourself. I believe it is smarter to use safe, natural, rational ways of losing weight, and keeping it off.
Another subject worthy of consideration is the price of a diet. Does it make sense to have to spend a fortune for products that have at least a 95% failure rate, and that turn the body against you? Many diets cost thousands of extra dollars a year. You don't always notice because you pay a little at a time. But do the math.
When surveyed before their program started, most of our clients have spent between $1500 and $2000 in the last year on weight loss. And the programs involved special foods and products that can hardly be included in a normal lifestyle.
There is a lot of money being wasted. With our program you should be established in a healthy, happy lifestyle and should not have to spend more for food. In fact, most of our clients save money on food. Many save so much so that their hypnosis programs pay for themselves before long.
The other vital consideration to take into account is your state of mind. This is so conveniently glossed over at diet centers. It is important to take into account any emotional factors involved. While losing weight and starting a new, healthy lifestyle many of our clients want or need more confidence, self-esteem, positive thought patterns, and less stress. Many are so used to being embarrassed and worrying about the judgment of others that they avoid life. This becomes another pattern that often causes self-sabotage, even after any excess fat has been lost. It is vital not to let those old, negative recordings keep playing in the mind.
Ask yourself these questions about being overweight:
· Has it affected your confidence at all?
· Do you care what others think about you?
· How does it affect your life? Social? Work?
· How do you feel about yourself when you
look in the mirror?
· Does fat embarrass you?
One major advantage of our hypnosis weight loss programs is that we address these issues. It is essential to remove self doubt and failure habits. In the past you may have found the light at the end of the tunnel to be an oncoming train. So what? Forget past failures. If you expect to fail then you probably will.
Past failures have a new role now. They are positive learning experiences that have brought you to this DOORWAY TO SUCCESS. Make no mistake - our program IS different. It is superior. It gets results - if you've been to our office you have seen our many testimonials. You can also see them all over this site. In our office we only accept people into this program who we are confident will succeed.
You can learn more about how our programs work by using the menus at the top of the page.
The point of all this is to think, and do your research before paying for a weight loss method. Most people don't, and end up regretting it.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
