Lone Star Hypnosis
Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Proven Results!
Most of our Google and Yelp reviews were removed by bots when we changed site, and they might never return. So be sure to see many pages of genuine client testimonials on this site. You can see many, many more in our testimonial books, posters and videos at our office when you come to visit us for you appointment. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say. What better source of down-to-earth proof is there?
The benefits you will receive from using our services are numerous. Kitt Johnson, who shed 48 lbs. with our hypnosis reported the following: "Right after my first weight loss session, my eating habits were transformed. My cravings and nervous eating vanished. I lost my sweet tooth. For the first time I could remember I was in control of food! I was amazed. I am now satisfied - not deprived. I NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M DIETING. The weight loss seems automatic. It was easier than I had ever dreamed. It worked for me when everything else failed. I look good and feel good. I am full of confidence and energy. I wish everyone could feel so good. I get compliments every day."
Kathy P. says: "The care I received was great! Losing weight has not been a struggle this time. I have changed my life-long eating habits & I'm losing weight at a good pace. I'm know that the changes are permanent. This for me is a miracle” Our clients report hypnosis makes losing weight, "easy, effortless and surprisingly affordable!"
Results like these are not uncommon. We hear them everyday. We are not asking you to take our word for it. Come visit our office. See our testimonial books and video. Hear Gail Richards describe how she lost an astounding 93 lbs., and many other real people who got genuine, lasting weight loss results with us.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com
The media has many positive things to say about hypnosis and weight loss.
Here's just a few quotes:
"The country is turning to hypnosis to lose weight." Cosmopolitan Magazine
"The easiest way to break habits is through hypnosis." Newsweek Magazine
"Overweight people are essentially programmed to be fat. For example, as children we may be told
repeatedly to clean our plates. Or we may frequently be offered food to ease negative emotions.
Hypnosis can efficiently replace such messages." Woman's World
"Successful weight loss relies as much on the mind as the body." Women's Day Magazine
"Dieters using hypnosis lost 60% more weight. University of Connecticut scientists analyzed existing
weight loss studies." Woman's World
"Hypnosis' magic is that it works." National Post (Canada)
There are also countless scientific studies that clearly show the advantages
and effectiveness of weight loss hypnosis:
109 individuals between the ages of 17-67, who completed behavioral treatment for weight loss, with or
without using hypnosis were studied. At the end of the 9 week trial results showed that both groups
showed a significant weight loss. However, at the 8th month and 2 year follow up on the trial the group
that used hypnosis showed significant additional weight loss, while those in the comparison
group, showed almost no further change compared to the original outcome after 9 weeks.
Journal of Clinical Psychology
60 females that were at least 20% overweight, and not on any other treatment were studied. The results
on follow up, at 6 months, were that hypnosis was considerably more effective than a control group.
The hypnosis group lost an average of 17 pounds compared to 0.5 pounds in the control group.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
A 1997 study confirmed the effectiveness of hypnosis for weight loss averaging a mean weight loss of
nearly 12 pounds with hypnosis compared with 6 pounds using conventional weight loss regimes. A
follow up 6 months later demonstrated an average weight loss of 15 pounds vs 6 pounds using diet
control only. The results indicated that the benefits of hypnosis are increased substantially over
Proven Results!
Most of our Google and Yelp reviews were removed by bots when we changed site, and they might never return. So be sure to see many pages of genuine client testimonials on this site. You can see many, many more in our testimonial books, posters and videos at our office when you come to visit us for your appointment. You see, we don't want you to take our word as proof of our success. See what other people just like you have to say. What better source of down-to-earth proof is there?
The benefits you will receive from using our services are numerous. Kitt Johnson, who shed 48 lbs. with our hypnosis reported the following: "Right after my first weight loss session, my eating habits were transformed. My cravings and nervous eating vanished. I lost my sweet tooth. For the first time I could remember I was in control of food! I was amazed. I am now satisfied - not deprived. I NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M DIETING. The weight loss seems automatic. It was easier than I had ever dreamed. It worked for me when everything else failed. I look good and feel good. I am full of confidence and energy. I wish everyone could feel so good. I get compliments every day."
Kathy P. says: "The care I received was great! Losing weight has not been a struggle this time. I have changed my life-long eating habits & I'm losing weight at a good pace. I'm know that the changes are permanent. This for me is a miracle"” Our clients report hypnosis makes losing weight, "easy, effortless and surprisingly affordable!"
Results like these are not uncommon. We hear them everyday. We are not asking you to take our word for it. Come visit our office. See our testimonial books and video. Hear Gail Richards describe how she lost an astounding 93 lbs., and many other real people who got genuine, lasting weight loss results with us.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
512-988-1066 info@lonestarhypnosis.com

Lone Star Hypnosis