Copyright © 2023 by Andrew McCole · All Rights reserved
Finally! A simple, down-to-earth, step-by-step approach to weight loss & maintenance. A proven system, designed for genuine, lasting results. Discover how so many of our clients lose weight effectively, boost their metabolism safely, & break free from the misery of fat.
Is This You?
You're tired of losing the same weight over and over. You've tried every diet and fad
imaginable. All of your well intentioned, painful efforts failed.
Well, you are not alone. Only 2% of dieters keep their weight off for 5 years. More than
60% in the US are overweight. On top of health problems, many overweight folks suffer
from poor self-esteem, embarrassment, anxiety, and even depression. Sound familiar?
Tens of billions of dollars spent on diet products, pills, fads and centers each year has
proven one undeniable fact: DIETS DON'T WORK! So what can you do? Is there hope?
YES!!! Finally, you have a real and genuine opportunity to lose excess fat, by combining
scientifically proven strategies with state of the art hypnotic procedures. With this
innovative combination, we offer you a chance for lasting weight loss without the usual
suffering, failure, misery and deprivation associated with dieting.
Hypnosis helps you stay motivated and in control. There are no starvation diets, no
grueling exercises, no games, no harmful drugs or expensive 'special' foods to buy. As
you may have experienced, nearly all weight loss programs lower your metabolism and
encourage your body to put all the fat back on when you've finished, plus interest! They
also leave you with your cravings and bad habits waiting to be reactivated at any time.
Our programs are designed to bypass these problems.
Sadly, many folks believe that because they failed at dieting, they will also fail with
other weight loss methods. With our hypnosis, nothing could be further from the truth. Most of our clients have tried every diet imaginable before coming us. They all started where you are today. They recognized as I hope you will, that they had to change their mind before they could ever change their body.
Adina May reports: "I tried everything to lose weight, including other hypnotists. I've wasted a fortune. I know that diets don't work. But after seeing Andrew McCole I've lost my addiction for junk and fast food. I am more positive and confident. I know I'll reach my goal. I always feel very supported."
Hypnosis is the safest, most effective method for changing negative thoughts into positive. That's why so many of our clients report "automatic", "natural", and "effortless" weight loss without feeling deprived.
The Secret of Lasting Success
Whatever behavior is responsible for your overweight problem, it has become a SUBCONSCIOUS habit. Basically, your subconscious controls your behavior. It holds all your 'overweight' behavior patterns and no matter how bad they are it believes they are necessary. The subconscious is irrational, and is simply doing what it has been told is right. And it will do anything in its power to support this false conviction. It tricks you as soon as you let your guard down. You know this!
Regardless of how much effort and willpower you put into losing weight, the subconscious will sabotage you if its conditioning disagrees with you. It just doesn't understand. The subconscious programming is the problem, so if you use a method that doesn't deal with it you could be setting yourself up for another failure. By changing your subconscious 'programming' you can eliminate the negative behaviors responsible for your weight problem.
Imagine having tremendous willpower, enjoying healthy exercise, naturally maintaining your ideal size and figure and always being calm and relaxed. Why imagine? Everyone can easily be hypnotized, and with our unique, safe and painless approach we believe that anyone can easily lose weight. Our results speak for themselves.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Weight Loss Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Finally! A simple, down-to-earth, step-by-step approach to lasting weight loss. A proven system, designed to help clients lose weight, boost metabolism, & break free from the misery of fat.
Is This You?
You're tired of losing the same weight over and over. You've tried every diet and fad imaginable. All of your well intentioned, painful efforts failed.
Well, you are not alone. Only 2% of dieters keep their weight off for 5 years. On top of the health problems, many overweight folks suffer from poor self-esteem, embarrassment, anxiety, and even depression. Sound familiar?
Tens of billions of dollars spent on diet products, pills, fads and centers each year has proven one undeniable fact: DIETS DON'T WORK! So what can you do? Is there hope?
YES!!! Finally, you have a real and genuine opportunity to lose excess fat, by combining scientifically proven strategies with state of the
art hypnotic procedures. With this innovative combination, we offer you a chance for lasting weight loss without the usual suffering,
failure, misery and deprivation associated with dieting.
Hypnosis helps you stay motivated and in control. There are no starvation diets, no grueling exercises, no harmful drugs or expensive 'special' foods to buy. As you may have experienced, nearly all weight loss programs lower your metabolism and encourage your body to put all the fat back on when you've finished, plus interest! They also leave you with your cravings and bad habits waiting to be reactivated at any time. Our programs are designed to bypass these problems.
Most of our clients have tried every diet imaginable before coming here. They all started where you are today. They recognized that they had to change their mind before they could ever change their body.
Adina May reports: "I tried everything to lose weight, including other hypnotists. I've wasted a fortune. I know that diets don't work. But after seeing Andrew McCole I've lost my addiction for junk and fast food. I am more positive and confident. I know I'll reach my goal. I always feel very supported."
Hypnosis is the safest, most effective method for changing negative thoughts into positive ones. That's why so many of our clients report "automatic", "natural", and "effortless" weight loss without feeling deprived.
The Secret of Lasting Success
Whatever behavior is responsible for your overweight problem, it is a SUBCONSCIOUS habit. Your subconscious controls your behavior. It holds all your 'overweight' behavior patterns and no matter how bad they are it believes they are necessary. The subconscious is irrational, and is simply doing what it has been told. And it will do anything in its power to support this false conviction. It tricks you as soon as you let your guard down. You know this!
Regardless of how much effort and willpower you put into losing weight, the subconscious can sabotage you. Subconscious programming is the problem, so if you use a method that doesn't deal with it you could be setting yourself up for another failure. By changing your subconscious 'programming' you can eliminate the negative behaviors that cause your weight problem.
Imagine having tremendous willpower, enjoying healthy exercise, naturally maintaining your ideal size and figure and always being calm and relaxed. Why imagine? Everyone can easily be hypnotized, and with our unique, safe and painless approach we believe that anyone can easily lose weight.
Our results speak for themselves.
So What's Next?
It's simple. If you are serious about losing weight and want to end the failure cycle, then call us for a FREE, no obligation, no pressure, Hypnosis Screening by phone. Then breathe a sigh of relief and prepare for success!
